Life happens out of order sometimes, and that’s okay! Planning a COVID-safe micro wedding as a pregnant bride certainly wasn’t the day I had pictured, but it was magical nonetheless. If you find yourself planning a special day with a little one on the way, read through for some big lessons I learned during the process.
I was really interested in managing my anxious thoughts through lifestyle practices. When I was able, eating healthy foods, gentle movement, fresh air, and a good bubble bath all made me feel well, but one practice that really made me pause and express gratitude was journalling.
One of the absolute best ways to prep for postpartum is to spend some time stocking your freezer with nutrient-dense meals that take the pressure off when baby arrives. Having a freezer full of done-for-you meals means less grocery shopping, less food prep, and less cooking with a newborn – yes please!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! When putting together these gift guides, I really wanted to draw attention to some incredible Canadian small businesses. 2020 has been a particularly challenging year to be an entrepreneur, and people’s shopping habits have changed. If you’re able, I encourage you to shop small this holiday season and support small businesses that do a happy dance every time an order comes through.
Whether you’re looking to deal with pain management, infection prevention, inducing milk supply, mood-boosting, healing perineal trauma, or aiding with troubled sleep - there is a herbal solution for each of these postpartum woes.
You’ve probably seen the list of the mandatory items to toss in your birth bag, but if you’re hoping to incorporate some more natural goods into your birth experience, read on for all the deets!
Just like an athlete returns to their sport with a detailed rehabilitation plan, a person’s vagina recovering from birth can follow a plan to return to sex with confidence that it will be pleasurable instead of awkward and painful.
The majority of pregnant people experience some degree of tearing during delivery, with perineal tears being the most common form. Although tearing is common, that doesn’t mean it is normal or beyond prevention!
I like to think of postpartum bleeding as a reminder for us to slow down and nurture our bodies & babies during the postpartum period.
You’ve stocked the pantry with your favourite one-handed snacks, the diaper station is set up, your lactation tea is ready to go. But what happens when you have to leave the house for the first time, and you’re feeling anything but ready to put on something other than a robe and fuzzy slippers?
A question my clients often ask is “what books should I be reading?” There is a plethora of information out there, so its easy to get overwhelmed with what side of the aisle you should be on. Here are some of my favourite reads that are supportive toward pregnant people and new parent’s choices
All about my maternity leave plans as a doula, entrepreneur, and first time mom.